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Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Policy

Resin Munitorum provides a marketplace for independent artists, designers, and small studios to get their digital ideas made physical.
As a venue for independent artists and designers, Resin Munitorum takes intellectual property rights very seriously. We comply with intellectual property laws and industry best practices in order to maintain the integrity of our marketplace. This Intellectual Property Policy explains how we address allegations of infringement, how authorized parties can submit reports of infringement regarding content on our marketplace, and how artists can respond when their listings are affected by a report.

This policy was published on October 01, 2023

This policy is a part of our Terms of Use.

   1. Resin Munitorum's Role
   2. Reports of Intellectual Property Infringement
   3. Counter Notices
   4. Repeat Infringement
   5. Withdrawals

1. Resin Munitorum's Role

Resin Munitorum is a marketplace comprising the work of individual third-party Artists who produce their own designs and contract Resin Munitorum to print and ship items as ordered. The product designs on Resin Munitorum's marketplace is generated by independent artists who are not employees, agents, or representatives of Resin Munitorum. Artists are responsible for ensuring they have all necessary rights to their content and that they are not infringing or violating any third party’s rights.

Resin Munitorum reserves the right to refuse or remove any product that we believe violates our Terms of Use, including this Intellectual Property Policy, or any legally prohibited items, or any design suspected of being related to the building or modification of firearms. 

Resin Munitorum can’t speak on behalf of intellectual property owners, nor is Resin Munitorum in a position to offer legal advice or make legal determinations whether an artists content infringes someone else’s intellectual property. Resin Munitorum will remove material cited for alleged intellectual property infringement when provided with a report that complies with our policies.

2. Reports of Intellectual Property Infringement

Resin Munitorum strives to respond quickly when we receive a report of intellectual property infringement that complies with our policies by removing or disabling access to the allegedly infringing material. When Resin Munitorum removes or disables access in response to a report, Resin Munitorum makes a reasonable attempt to contact the affected artist, provide information about the report and removal, and, in cases of alleged copyright infringement, provide information about how to submit a counter notice. Resin Munitorum may also provide a copy of the infringement report, including the name and email address of the reporting party, to the affected member.

To submit a report of alleged infringement against a Resin Munitorum shop listing, please send an email to the following email address:
This is the easiest way to report alleged infringement to Resin Munitorum and its Designated Agent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other intellectual property rights.

Reports of Intellectual Property Infringement must contain the below details in order for us to properly vet the claim, and provide actionable information to the artist involved in the creation of the designs. 

  • Legal name of the entity which holds the intellectual property rights.
  • Representative's contact information.
  • The Legal basis for the claim.
  • A link to the original work, demonstrating that the above named entity holds a claim to the property. This needs to be a direct and specific reference. 
  • A link to the offending work. 

Resin Munitorum may request additional information before processing a report, such as a letter of authorization from the rights owner, identity verification of the reporting party, or other documentation regarding the claimed right. Resin Munitorum may reject reports of infringement or counter notices that contain information we believe is false, fraudulent, incomplete, or otherwise submitted in bad faith. Resin Munitorum also reserves the right to take action against abusers of this policy.

3. Counter Notice

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Resin Munitorum accepts counter notices for US-based copyright infringement reports only. When Resin Munitorum receives a DMCA counter notice, we will provide a copy of the counter notice to the original complaining party. The removed material may be replaced or access to it may be restored 14 business days after the counter notice is processed, unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order restraining the allegedly infringing party from producing or distributing the allegedly infringing material, and informs Resin Munitorum of this action. 

4. Repeat Infringement

Resin Munitorum may remove all the designs and/or products of any Artist who is subject to repeat notices of intellectual property infringement when appropriate and at Resin Munitorum's discretion. Resin Munitorum reserves the right to terminate Artist privileges at any time, for any reason, and without advance notice.

5. Withdrawals

Resin Munitorum only accepts withdrawals of infringement reports directly from the intellectual property owner or authorized representative who submitted the claim. The withdrawal must clearly state that it is a formal withdrawal and sufficiently identify the artist and/or material (such as by providing the artist name, product name, and Resin Munitorum listing URLs).

Once Resin Munitorum receives a formal withdrawal of an infringement report, Resin Munitorum will contact the withdrawing party to confirm receipt and will notify the affected Artist of the withdrawal. Please note that infringement matters are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and withdrawals do not guarantee changes to an artist status.